Daylight saving time will end November 4th.  Our clocks will “fall back” an hour and it will be time for BHCC’s 25 Hours of Prayer!

For nearly than 20 years, Brentwood Hills has used this weekend with an “extra” hour to pray for 25 continuous hours.  We kickoff the day at 8:00am on Saturday, November 4th and end just in time for our 8:15 a.m. service Sunday morning.

During this time, every single member of our congregation will be prayed for by name.  We will pray specifically for each of our Sunday School classes, all our ministries, our leaders, our country and more.  You can also submit specific prayer requests to be prayed over during this time by leaving a Connection card at the kiosk or by CLICKING HERE.

This event is open to all our members, young and old.  You can sign up with your Sunday School class, life group, friends, family or just come on your own and meet some new prayer warriors.

Become a Prayer Warrior.  CLICK HERE to sign up for the hour you prefer to come pray.  Once you get here, you will come to the main office on the north side of the building.  We will have snacks and drinks for you and the list of people that the group will pray for that hour.  The Office conference room will be the main area for getting instructions and for praying, but feel free to pray in the Dailey Prayer Room or other places in our building.

Shift Commanders Needed.  Shift Commanders work a 4-hour shift and are responsible for keeping the prayer room organized, taking pictures, refreshing drinks and snacks, and sharing instructions with those who come to pray. If you are interested in serving as a Shift Commander, please CLICK HERE.  Sometimes it helps to have two people on one shift just to help cover all the bases, so feel free to sign up with a friend.

**Sign-up sheets for prayer warriors and shift commanders are also located at the kiosk in the lobby.**