Incorporating the Five Purposes

Click on one of the Purposes below to find ideas on how to incorporate them into you BHCC Group:

How do I get started in a BHCC Group

Becoming part of a group is quite simple.  Become a HOST and find 2 or 3 (or more) individuals or families that want to be in a group. Then CLICK HERE to get started.  Pray that God will show you people that may be outside your normal circle of friends that you should invite to be a part of your group. 

Commit to meet together for 8 weeks and participate in the Community series.  We will give you the conversation guides and access to the videos to watch.  After that 8 weeks is up, you can decide if your group would like to continue or maybe find others and form new groups. Your group may meet on a porch, in a park, on Zoom or in a home.  You can meet Sunday night, Friday evening, Monday morning, etc. – whenever your group decides to meet.

The only qualifications to HOST a group are:

  1. Heart for community and others
  2. Willingness to Open your home, yard or other space for eight weeks
  3. Serve a simple snack
  4. Turn on the computer/DVD or Tell a few friends

We will provide training and coaching to walk you through the process of hosting a group and teach the group how to model shared leadership.  It won’t the responsibility of just one person, it will be a team effort. 

Please prayerfully consider hosting or becoming a part of a small group. You will find intimacy with God, enjoy community with your church family and also influence people that are searching for a relationship with the Lord.  It’s an informal space into which anyone can step. 

So, are you ready?  CLICK HERE to begin.

If you have a specific question or concern, please email Enoch Rinks at

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.  All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47


What is a BHCC Group (small group)?

It is a group of 3 or more people who meet together regularly and desire to learn and live the 5 biblical purposes of fellowship, discipleship, ministry, evangelism and worship.

What happens in a small group?

Community happens. In a small group you will catch up on life together, read and study God’s word, eat delicious snacks, pray for each other and create fun memories together.

When and where do groups meet?

Anytime and anywhere your group decides to meet.

How long are groups together?

That depends on the group.  Some groups are together for a short series while others are together for decades.  

Do the groups take breaks?

That is up to you and your group. Some groups take a break during the summer while families are traveling, while others meet all year long.  Your group may decide to take a week off in between studies or plan a dinner/ game night or ministry project before starting a new study.  It is totally up to your group.

Are children welcome to join small group meetings?

That’s up to your small group. We have seen small groups pull money together to hire a babysitter for an evening or rotate parents to watch the kids in another room depending on the kid’s ages. We think your kids can really benefit from watching their parents invest in a healthy community of people.  Parents should consider small groups as a way to provide more Christian adult influence in children’s lives. Groups are encouraged to include children in group fellowship or serving opportunities, during meal time and possibly prayer time.

How frequently will the groups meet?

The groups are encouraged to meet weekly for the first eight weeks. After that first series the group will evaluate how it will proceed moving forward.  Weekly meetings are encouraged. 

Why should I host or form a new group?

You will find intimacy with God, enjoy community with your church family and also influence people that are searching for relationship with the Lord.

How much Bible knowledge do I need to form a group?

A degree in Theology is not needed!  You need to be able to open a Bible and follow a guide. 

How much training do I need before I HOST or form a group?

You need no prior training to host a group.  You will receive in real time training as the group progresses.  Also, there will be shared leadership of the group, so it’s a team effort.

How do I choose a series to study?

You will be given a starter kit that includes a carefully selected introductory series called “Community” which will facilitate a smooth and positive start for the group.  After completing that series, we will provide a number of resources and studies from which the group can select.

How does a group form?

Find some people and find a place.  Grab two or three friends to prayerfully and intentionally form a group. 

Should I just pick my friends?

Yes and no.  Please do not only pick your friends.  It’s good to have friends in a group but prayerfully consider how moving beyond a group of friends will help you pull others into community and expand your reach for the Kingdom of God.  It might also help you grow in ways that you have not previously. Call the office to see if there is someone we know of that might be a good fit.  Remember, we are trying to balance five purposes.

Can you tell me more about the five Biblical purposes that the group will try to balance?

Discipleship: Devoted to the apostles’ teaching (Acts 2:42)

Fellowship: They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship. (Acts 2:42) They broke bread and ate together with glad and sincere hearts (Acts 2:46)

Ministry: Gave to anyone who had need (Acts 2:45). Love your neighbor as yourself (Matt. 22:39)

Evangelism: Go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19) The Lord added you their number daily (Acts 2:47)

Worship: They praised God (Acts 2:47). Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind (Matt. 22:37)

If our group signs up, will people be added to our group?

We will not automatically add people to groups. If we have people looking to join a group, we will ask several groups if there is room.  Your group will decide if you have room to add someone.

What if the group isn’t meshing well?

There is no ongoing commitment.  After completing the eight-week series, it would be great for the group to continue for a year but there is nothing wrong with multiplying the group to start two or three new groups.

Is this simply a COVID-based initiative to help our members study together?

This is a long-term initiative to help our church family effectively develop Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Is a BHCC Group and a Small Group the same thing?

Yes, we are using these terms interchangeably.

What if I have more questions?

Please direct questions to Enoch Rinks.

Testimonials from BHCC Group members