Jovenes en Camino is celebrating its 10 year anniversary. Below are two messages we want to share with you: one from Steve Davidson, President of the Board of Directors and Co-Founder of Jovenes en Camino; and one from Ronald Millon. I’ve also attached a couple of pictures from Ronald.
~~Jovenes en Camino Celebrates 10 Years of Service
February 26, 2014
Written by Steve Davidson, President of the Board of Directors and Co-Founder of Jovenes en Camino
It seems like yesterday 26 wide-eyed and excited little boys boarded the bus at the Honduran Department of Children Services in the capital city of Honduras to venture to a home that would forever change their lives. The journey was videotaped. As they traveled through Tegucigalpa, they were laughing and talking loudly. After leaving the large city and traveling through the beautiful mountains surrounding the capital, the excitement melted into quiet apprehension. Some would tell you today they were very afraid. Where were they going? Were they going to be forced to work? What’s on the other side of the mountains? Will they eat? Will they be abandoned again?
When they arrived at Jovenes en Camino, the excitement returned when they met their new “Tias” and “Tios” (house parents) and they were shown their rooms with their own beds! Many had never slept in a real bed. Some had slept on dirt floors, the concrete streets, or on cardboard.
Over the weeks many of their fears subsided as they began to receive hugs rather than abuse; words of encouragement rather than words of hate. They were prayed over and told about God’s unconditional love for them even when they didn’t love and when they did the wrong thing. As the years have gone by, the little wide-eyed boys have grown up into young men that believe that God will never forsake them and Jesus is the Lord of their lives. They now live with hope for the future and vision for what they can make of their lives by the grace of God. They are learning skills and receiving an education. One even began his first year at the best private, bilingual high school in the country of Honduras.
None, not even the boys, would say that the last 10 years has been easy. But all would say that the efforts have been very worthwhile and life-changing. Little Honduran lives have been salvaged and big North American lives have been softened, all being guided by God’s great hand. This is God’s story. A story of His people. A story of compassion and love that has rescued the boys of Jovenes en Camino. You have been a contributor to this story. Perhaps you even feel, as many of us do, that you have been blessed even more than the boys this story is about. However, through your love, prayers, contributions and efforts this story started and will continue in the years ahead as new wide-eyed little boys enter Jovenes en Camino. As one of the older boys shared through tears last March before an audience of North American visitors, “Jovenes is the family I never had. Now I know God’s love.”
To God’s glory,
Visit to give today!
Continue to make the eternal difference in the lives of these children and many more for years to come.
We need you as part of our Jovenes family.
~~Dear Chad , and members of the Board and friends:
In our X Anniversary , God bless us with a new baby caw. ( itis male)
Thank you all for support JEC. Thanks to you our boys are receiving spiritual guidance, excellent nutrition, education, medical , dental and psychological attention, they have clean clothes, comfortable beds, and they have the opportunity to grow and learn market able skills or attain higher education…
We are most grateful for your concern , your love and your prayers..
con todo mi corazon on behalf our staff ..Thank you so much for believe and support our team…
Dios les bendiga
Ronald Millon