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Fall is in the air. November 3 is “fall back” day, which means it’s time for 25 Hours of Prayer! Please sign up today to be a part of 25 Hours of Prayer. Sign-up sheets are available at the table in the foyer and in our adult Sunday School classes.  You can see what hours are available by clicking here and then email to sign-up.

BHCC began 25 Hours of Prayer in 1997, when Walt Leaver was beginning his ministry at Brentwood Hills. Walt and this church were prayed for, for 24 hours before his first Sunday in the Brentwood Hills’ pulpit. This day of prayer was so uplifting for all who participated that we decided to make it a yearly event.

We pray during “fall back,” the day of the time change, to gain an extra hour of prayer. Every single member of Brentwood Hills is prayed for, adults and children, by name. And you are asked to submit any prayer requests you would like to specifically be lifted up before the Father. You can put those prayer requests in the designated box in the foyer.

If you’ve never participated before, you are encouraged to join this year. If you’re uncomfortable praying aloud, no problem. Please join in silent prayer and encouragement. The prayer room will be organized and you will know all the requests and names you are to pray for during your hour. You will leave your hour of prayer encouraged and uplifted.

Click here to submit prayer requests.